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I had a loving Christian mother that instilled in me good qualities and taught me how to behave, and to some degree I had a relationship with Christ. When I was younger, I did give my heart to Jesus, but there were many areas of my life that I did not give over to him. However, shaped by mental illness and bitterness that God allowed me to be diagnosed with mental illness, I rebelled and sought instant gratification through drugs, especially hallucinogens.

I was living below my means, and I was using meth regularly. I knew I had to get help, and by God’s grace my dad came to town to visit with me. I knew I needed help, so I begged him to take me to the hospital, and then I eventually came to Life Challenge. Since being here I have started giving Jesus all the areas of my life.

I gave up my will and asked Jesus to have His way in my life. I ask him daily to be with me on my journey. I write music, and I have written songs to glorify Jesus and to tell of his working in me. I plan to be baptized in the near future. I have been sober since November 6, 2021.

My favorite scripture verse is Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

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