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What Can I Do to Help Myself?

By DeAnza Bonzelaar

When an individual leaves rehab, some of the hardest work on their part begins. They often transition from an environment that is scheduled and ordered and designed to help keep them from using back to the very environment that contributed to their addiction in the first place.
When it comes to recovery and maintaining sobriety, you must first and foremost live with the mindset that, while recovery is challenging, you will persevere through the challenges and setbacks to fulfill your commitment.
Here are some suggestions for maintaining sobriety after you leave rehab:
  • Follow a new routine and avoid your old routines; identify and avoid triggers
  • Eat healthy, work out, practice good hygiene, find a hobby you enjoy
  • Find balance in your life; do not replace one addiction for another
  • Make it a priority to have a sponsor or mentor
  • Go to support groups regularly
  • Learn how to set healthy boundaries
  • As soon as possible, start giving back with your time and resources

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