You can click on any name below to support someone for our annual Walk, Bike, Fun! event. Help us raise support for Life Challenge Ministries.
The link will take you straight to the personal campaign page of the person you click. Your gift of support will honor them, raise much-needed money for Life Challenge Ministries and, most importantly of all, go a long way toward supporting the men and women who come to Life Challenge for help through Jesus Christ. God bless you!
If you haven’t created your own campaign page yet, why not join in the fun? Just click the button below to get started.
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In Alphabetical Order By Last Name
(If you are the owner of one of the campaign pages below, remember to login before clicking on your name so you can edit your page and send it out to more people! To login and edit, click on the button below. Then return to this page and click on your name.)
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