At the core of our mission of recovery is the idea of community. The restoration of community is both a goal of recovery and a means of recovery.
ATC/LCM owns and operates three Adult and Teen Challenge substance abuse treatment centers in Michigan: two campuses are in Detroit (separated for men and women) and one is in Flint. The Flint campus is men’s only. Our campuses are beautiful, clean, safe and designed for healthy, community living.
We are part of a nationally-recognized, highly-respected network of faith-based ATC residential recovery centers based in Ozark, Missouri.
For a nominal fee of $1200 we provide a full year of support: room, board, program-related transportation, and a complete array of substance abuse treatment services for people 18 years of age and older.

Our mission is to restore communities by bringing faith-based recovery to the addicted
“The values we espouse are christian values because we believe that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is crucial to recovery. This is the central spiritual truth upon which all aspects of the Adult & Teen Challenge program are built.”
Pastor Jeff BonzelaarExecutive Director