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Website Life Challenge Mental Health Services

Find Your Freedom

Primary Responsibilities 

Overall: It will be the Clinical Operations Manager’s job to provide leadership, staff management, and accountability over all aspects of Life Challenge Mental Health Services clinical operations. The COM will oversee clinical annual planning, medical records keeping, billing practice, compliance and clinical performance measurement. The COM will also be responsible for finding, developing and maintaining positive relationships in the overall recovery community in Southeastern Michigan. 

  • Engage with referral sources in the referral process
  • Maintain a client-centered philosophy of care and consistently adhere to the LCM/LCMHS value that all people have the right to be treated equitably with dignity, respect, and inclusion
  • At the direction of the Clinical Director, effectively implement LCM/LCMHS policies and procedures. 
  • Manage the training and credentialing requirements in the Clinical Services Area 
  • Provide counselling to clients of LCMHS 
  • Conduct Groups 
  • Therapy Notes data entry and other administrative duties 
  • Make presentations to affinity groups, clinics, community health organizations, and other community referral sources

Special Training, Skills and Abilities 

  • Must possess a high degree of leadership  
  • Must possess effective communication skills 

Education and Work Experience 

  • Must possess at least a master’s degree in behavioral science (Social Work, Counseling, Psychology, or Addiction Studies), with substantial coursework in substance abuse treatment
  • Valid MCBAP certification (e.g., CAADC); or be under a three-year development plan 
  • Minimum of 2 years of clinical counseling experience

To apply for this job please visit